Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Public Health Project Strategic Development

Our Blog is all about cultural competency and public health, we care to share will all our readers and followers in the public health arena to think about the following:

If you are a project director or the person leading a public health initiative at your organization, what should you know? There are a few things that I have learned through out many years as a public health consultant. Always look for new opportunities within the project that you are managing. Grantors want to know that you are identifying potential new gaps or opportunities. The grantor also wants to know that you are thinking about sustainability from the very early steps of the project. Keep a journal of all your core activities, any new models that you develop. Also keep track of your failures and successes as part of lessons learned.

If you are interested in getting more information about how to develop and implement a successful project, contact me at helen@daoconsultingservices.com

Helen Dao, MHA


  1. Thank you for providing this information. I would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in to writing this blog. I am hoping for the same high-grade blog posts from you in the upcoming months as well.
    Project Post Mortems

  2. I had to refresh the page times to view this page for some reason, however, the information here was worth the wait.
    Project PRE-mortem
