Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Management Principles to Reduce Cost and Increase Consumer's Satisfaction

Using management principles to reduce cost in health and social services when increasing consumer’s satisfaction.

In today’s health care system, health disparities continue to be a major concern not just for policy makers and health insurances, but also for the health care providers serving the multicultural landscape of the United States. 

One of the major challenges that organizations are facing is losing private and/or public funding.  So how do organizations continue fulfilling their mission and serving communities in need at a level that assures quality of care and/or services and reduces cost?  This is a big question; we know that many organizations are functioning on a skeleton of staff, closing programs that were vital to many communities, and trying to come up with very innovative ideas to raise new money.  The by-product of current economical stress that organizations are experiencing contributes to health disparities, the inability to serve equally due to lack of resources and funding.

How organizations position is very important; they need to stay in front of their constituents, send a message of loyalty, continuity, and existence.  There are many strategies that can be used and implemented.  At DAO, we are currently working on completing a study that will not only highlight renowned strategy models, but also strategies that organizations can create internally, such as community partnerships, maximizing human capital in order to reduce cost and maintenance, and increase consumer’s satisfaction.

In the mean time, please share with us your most successful strategies and not too successful strategies that we can use as examples (credit will be given to your organizations) so when we publish our work they can be highlighted.  You will receive a copy of our report.

Thank you!


  1. My comment explains why strategic planning is necessary in health care and social service organizations to reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction

    Health care and other organizations related to social services need to incorporate strategic planning in their business model in order position themselves to increase the quality of their services and continue to raise funds to keep their vital programs alive. Strategic planning determines whether a need for change from the current situation exists or not. It determines the stability of the organization. It taps on the organization’s resources and capability to continue with its existing programs, discover newer initiatives or cut down certain redundant programs that are consuming tangible resources that could be potentially very necessary for other critical programs. Strategic planning helps monitor the trends, demographic and community needs.

    Strategic planning consultants are helpful in giving the hospital’s or a non-profit’s objective assessment of its strength and weaknesses,potential opportunities and threats, steer the health care management’s board through the entire planning process, keep the planning process on track, perform feasibility studies and assist the management in performance assessment and evaluation procedures.

  2. Quality of care is not only the accuracy of treatment but also understanding and showing compassion to the patient (That is why Hospital services were initially started through religious organizations).
    Give more time to patient (Talk, Touch, Treat) & also explain what you have in your mind.
    Today we are applying more management principles & deputing manpower where there is no requirement, like an engineer we need to understand the anatomy of patient care.
    In Healthcare we are not treating disease, but we are eliminating, preventing & rehabilitating human body from the everlasting list of diseases (this is the only profession where we need to conquer the suffering & pain).
    As I said in most of the healthcare areas quality is only subjective.

    Email: remember@rediffmail.com
