Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Diversity & Inclusion at the Workplace

Dear Reader,

So we start our Blogging Campaign at DAO!  Here is our first short article on The Power of Diversified Businesses.

The Power of Diversified Businesses
Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes and celebrates individual and collective achievement (The University of Tennessee Libraries Diversity Committee Spring 2001; Revised January 2003).
Studies show that future workforce will have significant demographic variations. Companies report competitive advantage as the key driver of diversity efforts.  Diverse markets require diverse strategies; organizations must know the markets they seek to serve and reflect the same diversity within.
To read the full article visit my website at www.daoconsultingservices.com and look under "News"
This week, we will have our first guest blogger,  Wendy Oliveras, Founder & CEO of Oliveras & Company, Inc.  She is also a columnist, author, search consultant, and career planning and development advisor. Look for her article on Benefits to Going Bilingual!

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