The Patient-Centered Medical Home has become the vehicle that helps promote patient-centered care, patient-safety and to incorporate cultural beliefs into treatment. As part of NCQA effort to ensure that patients from a diverse cultural and linguistic background receive appropriate, equality of care, require for health care organizations pursuing the NCQA PCMH 2011 recognition to pay special attending to PCMH 2011 Standard 1: Enhance Access and Continuity (
This standard not only addresses cultural and linguistic appropriate services, bt also overlap with some of the other standards such as providing community resources (PCMH 4 Standard 4).
Incorporating patients' cultural beliefs as part of their treatment plan is essential in developing a functional care plan that involves the patient and the family in the process. PCMH is truly the way we will be able to start paying attentions to the patients' need and not being just doctor-centered.
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About the author:
Helen Dao, MHA
Dao Consulting Services, Inc.
A Public Health Company Connecting Providers and Communities
Tel. 201-448-2046
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