Friday, February 28, 2014

"The Art and Science of Person- and Family-Centered Care"

I watched this video and thought about using it for staff/clinician training on patient-and family centered care approach.  I believe this clip can be used as an ongoing reinforcement of the reasoning behind the Medical Home and how to continuously motivate staff.

Check it out...

The Art and Science of Person- and Family-Centered Care

Helen Dao, MHA

Healthcare Consultant

Dao Management Consulting Services, Inc.

Achieving Higher Standards of Excellence

Congratulations to Union Community Health Center, Bronx NY for getting recognized by NCQA as a level 3 Patient-Centered Medical Home. Helen Dao was the lead facilitator for the NCQA PCMH application!

This is one part of the work that many hospitals and Practices are taking on to reach the goal of achieving higher standards of excellence.  During this process, we learned a lot, we realized that every single staff, service, IT component are so vital to the understanding the workflow and operations of a single healthcare system or multiple systems. 

Helen Dao, MHA
Healthcare Consultant
Dao Management Consulting Services, Inc.