Here is a quick link to a website with some good information about traditional childbirth beliefs.
"Latina's traditionally have a forty day period of recuperation called "La Cuarentena". During this period family members also prepare "purgantes" (home remedies) for the mother that are said to help her body to eliminate impurities from the birth. Postpartum depression will not occur if these purgantes are taken. Women are cared for by other women, but are expected to care for their newborn child on their own. New mother's are discouraged from taking showers for several days, and also discouraged from getting out of bed for the first few hours after birth. Light foods are provided, including "caldo de pollo" (chicken bouillon), herbal teas, and tortillas, beans are avoided. Formula promotion in latin america has lead some women to believe breastfeeding is less nutritious, although most women do breastfeed."
"Latina's traditionally have a forty day period of recuperation called "La Cuarentena". During this period family members also prepare "purgantes" (home remedies) for the mother that are said to help her body to eliminate impurities from the birth. Postpartum depression will not occur if these purgantes are taken. Women are cared for by other women, but are expected to care for their newborn child on their own. New mother's are discouraged from taking showers for several days, and also discouraged from getting out of bed for the first few hours after birth. Light foods are provided, including "caldo de pollo" (chicken bouillon), herbal teas, and tortillas, beans are avoided. Formula promotion in latin america has lead some women to believe breastfeeding is less nutritious, although most women do breastfeed."
Also check out this link regarding cultural sensitivity taken seriously by hospitals.,0,2849109.story
Helen Dao, MHA